Food is medicine. Medicine is food. - Ayurvedic Principle

Food is medicine. Medicine is food. - Ayurvedic Principle

Kitchen Coach

I can come to your home, as a personal chef, so you can be nourished through the Ayurvedic lifestyle approach. Or we can prepare nourishing meals together so you can gain confidence in menu planning and preparation, with new skills to create meals that adapt for the seasons and your personal constitution, your life will be filled with love.   

Align with your rhythms

Nourishing the body is an inner and outer experience. Together, I'll work to support you not only with bodywork, self-care routines but with carefully prepared meals for your body type. 

Doing Ayurveda does not require conquering complicated Sanskrit terms, memorizing mantras, mastering body contractions, or struggling with religious beliefs. It requires nothing except that you commit your time and energy to your own supreme well-being. What is more it asks that you do this in as relaxed a manner as you like, step by baby step – a simple, friendly, and yes - fun way to be nourished and healthy.
— Shubhra Krishan, "Essential Ayurveda"

Food as Rejuvenation

The food we drink and take in through the mouth is considered Soma. Learn in a one-to-one session what are special rejuvenating foods, beverages and herbs that will revitalize the body, brain and nervous system ideally suited for you.


Free Consultation

We will uncover the perfect plan to create a life long practice of nourishing the body with practices and appropriate foods for you and your family. Hire me as a kitchen coach, specific cooking instructions, wellness menu plan and/or one-to-one virtual sessions.